Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Floods of Chocolate Milk

When I awoke this morning, the skies were dark and thunder could be heard off in the distance. Luckily I was able to board a taxi (matatu) just before the rain began to fall... and boy did it ever fall!! Given the hectic nature of our weekend I have been in no rush to get to work this week. So instead of stressing about how long it was taking to get to work, I sat back and enjoyed the storm.

It was raining so hard that we needed to pull over for 20 minutes to wait it out. In an instant the streets went from dry and pot-holled to flooded with chocolate milk. Women rushed about with bags over their hair to prevent getting wet and the taxi leaked everywhere. By the time my taxi reached downtown (over an hour later) the rain had mostly subsided, and I made my way to the office...where the power was out.

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